Office of the President

Office of the President

The Office of the President and the Office of the Provost work closely together to advance Mount Madonna Institute’s higher education presence and multi-disciplinary niche, combining the sister sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga in service to the healing arts and integrative health.

Letter to the Mount Madonna Institute Community

Mount Madonna Institute is proud to announce that Swarup Wood, Ph.D. has accepted the position
of President effective immediately. Please view attached letter for full details.

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Office of the President

President: Swarup Wood, PhD

Assistant to the President: Jen Rand, C-AP, MA-Ayurveda

WASC Accreditation

MMI Organizational Structure

Strategic Plan

Office of the Provost

Kamalesh Ginger Hooven, MA Ayurveda, E-RYT 500, C-IAYT

Interim Chief Academic Officer, Mount Madonna Institute

Institutional Effectiveness

Research Center